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Merry Met Virtual Traveller

Merry Met Virtual Traveller. I'm Dawn Nelson and I live within the beautiful South Downs. My specialism is landscape, heritage and nature interpretation. I have worked with heritage sites, museums, schools, outdoor educators, community groups, councils and libraries to bring history and nature to life through story, creating a sense of place and custodianship. My passion is connecting people with nature, history and the landscape that surrounds them, through storytelling in all it's forms, so come on in and let's share a story. 

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heritage interpretation

As a writer, storyteller and consultant I specialise in heritage, nature and landscape interpretation, creating resources and performance stories that bring the history, and the unique qualities of heritage and community sites, to life for visitors of all ages.​

My experience includes the production of performance stories, traditional interpretation boards, folklore and storytelling videos, podcasts, articles for publications, accessible audio tours using soundscapes and walking tours that explore the history and heritage of the South Downs. 

From copy and scripts, to performances, workshops and volunteer training, get in touch to find out how we can work together to highlight the unique qualities of your site for your visitors and beyond. Find out more below.

I am proud to be Portsmouth Education Partnership's Pupil Poet Laureate 2023/2024. To find out more about this project click here



'I'm so glad we caught the tale of Idun, you told it fantastically! What a magical evening!', Hannah Fletcher

I and my step granddaughter 4 yrs were entranced by a story teller who told us about the queen rat, her treasure and a hapless labourer who cleaned out the cess pits during the night. Most entertaining and not a sound was heard from the spellbound audience both adult and children of all ages. That tells you something.'  

Steve H, Visitor at Weald & Downland Museum Review via Trip Advisor.

'Your storytelling skills are on another level! Amazing. Seeing how enthralled the children were with your

words was pure magic'. Lisa Hall

'Absolutely love listening to DD Storyteller. Her stories are so engaging and she provides a wealth of information about them too. It's great that there is the opportunity to listen online as I am too far away to attend in person. Brilliant nights entertainment, thoroughly recommended.' Alison Scott


Education & Workshops

I offer workshops for schools, organisations and private events. Schools workshops can be themed to suit your topic for that term and cover a range of subjects from history and heritage to nature and local legends.  To facilitate these sessions I use costume, activities, puppets and Kamishibai Theatre depending on the age of the audience. 

I also provide workshops and gatherings for organisations and private events, exploring nature centric tales, mythology, folklore and legend through activities, storytelling and journaling.

Get in touch to find out more about schools workshops, circles for wild women, workshops that explore narrative as a communication tool for the workplace and how to bring story into their own creative practice. 

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'Storyteller Dawn Nelson has worked an indescribable magic from Year R all the way up to Y12. From Norse and Greek myths, to local tales and folklore from the land, I have had the genuine joy of watching the children listen, sing and join in with call and response (as if they all knew beforehand that they had a part to play!). 

Young people's ability to focus for long periods is often underestimated because of increasing reliance on technology. What today proved to me is that if you put a brilliant storyteller in front of them with a hoard of fantastic stories, they will listen, they will stop fidgeting, they do fall into the depths of the narrative to emerge triumphant at the other side.'

Bryony Hart, Teacher Of English & Whole School Literacy, Portsmouth Grammar School


Many thanks for your talk last night at our AGM. People were spellbound listening to your tales and the delightful way you told them. You have a great talent to stand there in front of an audience with no script and keep everyone’s attention as the story unfolds. You made it a great evening.

Martyn Kille, Hambledon Arts Society

'Thank you so much for your story telling today - we took some quotes from the children at the end of the day it featured heavily as a part that they loved!

Kingsworthy Primary School, The Royal Opening Of The Arc, Winchester

'Great to work with Dawn again! She very cleverly re-developed our National Tea Day event for online consumption, and this hit our young family audiences perfectly. We had some great engagement with her video chapters of the story of Alice in Wonderland and still cannot believe how she managed to transform her living room into such a brilliant tea party scene. '

Katrina Foxton, Staunton Country Park (during the first lockdown 2020)


for information on online workshops and storytelling events click below or contact me for a quote 



Spent an amazing day on a storytelling course learning about stories, nature and place, with DD Storyteller. I learnt so much and heard some wonderful tales. Definitely recommend her course and events.' 

Holly Medland

for information about my fees please click below or contact me for a quote 

Cerridwen's Cauldron retold
by Dawn 

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